The Courses

We can train you to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of graphic recording. The courses have been designed to be relaxed and fun. We believe that we will be able to give you the skills and confidence you need to be able to take a graphic record of meetings after just two days of training.

Included in the cost of the course is a graphic facilitation starter pack. This includes a set of 12 coloured pens, masking tape and flip chart paper. You will also receive a copy of our book “Drawn to Communicate”. This book gives step by step instructions that will become an invaluable resource for you once you have finished the training.

If you are wanting to develop the skills of a team of people to:

  • become more visual in their thinking
  • communicate their ideas more easily
  • make flip-chart feedback more inspiring
  • find creative ways to share thinking with a wider audience
  • demonstrate that you have heard what is being said
  • pull out key themes from discussions and highlight insights
  • create minutes of meetings that have a visual impact

We will develop a bespoke training programme that will help you to achieve those outcomes.  

An example of our standard 2 day training programme looks like this:

Course Aims:

This course aims to give participants the skills, knowledge and understanding of graphic facilitation and recording.

Course Objectives:

The course Facilitator will provide opportunities for participants to:

Practice individually and in small groups, in a safe environment

Receive individual and constructive feedback

Gain top tips & techniques for producing images at speed.

Fine tune listening skills in order to filter relevant information


Both days will afford lots of opportunity to experiment, practise and learn from each other in a fun but safe environment – No artistic talent required!

Course Structure:

Day 1

Basic Graphics;

  • using the pens effectively
  • Handling paper/protecting surfaces

Building up a library of images including;

  • Basic lines and shapes
  • Headlining, Boxes, Arrows
  • Shading
  • Buildings
  • People
  • Transport
  • Useful objects/ Metaphores and Icons

Day 2

Applied Graphics
Portraying emotion;

  • Shape
  • Colour

Recording stories;

  • Pace
  • Direction/flow

Recording group discussions

  • Filtering relevant information to record

Using Templates

  • Graphic Facilitation techniques

Register your interest now

For more information  please call 01564 823 396 or complete the form below and we’ll give you a call back.
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